Language clash

Yesterday was the introduction day for all the freshmen. Since I am new in my faculty I naturally had to go to all the events to get to know some classmates and to get to know our faculty.
The day began with a one hour lecture of the things we could study in our faculty. That is basically all I understood. The drawings and pictures were nice, and the professor was speaking in German to all the new German students, so naturally all I did was listen and try not to fall asleep( it would be disrespectful). Wait I know that word, and wait know that word too. Yep that was all.
Then I went to the bank and to my apartment to settle some things about the payment of my rent. I ate in the cafeteria, and from there I went to the old town hall to see the inauguration ceremony from the university. I there the principal gave a small speech, a band played a couple of songs, and some professors said some words too. It is hard to take it. That feeling you get when you don’t understand anything. I believe you have to learn to enjoy, up to a certain point. That way later you will understand it maybe. It is part of getting of your comfort zone, and getting closer to where the magic happens.
Later that night we had a barbecue with the people of our faculty. Most of them where Engineering freshmen. They all spoke German . So let’s play and lets pretend we speak German too. After a while it is not so bad. You can have some basic conversations with some of the other students. Who are you? What do you study? From what semester are you? A couple of basic things, but I do feel it is a little socializing with my faculty. Later I met an Argentinian professor, Roberto. It feels good to hear a familiar voice, and I guess he feels the same way.
Then I went to the kickerabend. In the IKUS building, Pedro and Lalo brought some poker chips from our place. I began playing poker with a couple of other guys and a couple of girls. When they kicked us out of the building we took the party to a kitchen on the 2nd floor. There we stayed up until 2 in the morning. We woke up an oriental girl who seemed pretty pissed off because of it.

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